George Bush, Skull and Bones, the CIA and Illicit Drug Operations - Mena Drug Cartel ( Full )
The CIA Nazi Free Masonic Pedophiles Satanic occultist love to stalk people who expose them . Why ? Because we speak the truth and they are low life pedophiles that rape kids and pump America full of drugs .Then these evil men put these low life scum drug king pins as our Presidents to destroy America and continue to cover up what they are blatantly doing and have been doing since the Nazi Skull and bones organization created the Free Masonic Legal drug cartel / Spy intel organization known as the C.I.A. This is the Mena story that proves what I say is not some bs conspiracy theory .It is a fact we have had drug dealers running our country for a while . Where is the money from this money laundering cartel .Are we not in a financial crises started by the same evil men who have kept America in a 13 year war they started by attacking the twin towers because no one truly voted for the Nazi Pedophile Gorge Bush Skull and Bones Satanic Scum . They are nothing but drug dealing rapist of humanity and Earth and this is a fact .
The documentary about the Mena Drug Cartel tells the story of the lies of the US Government concerning the Iran-Contra Affair. Bush Senior & Bill Clinton oversaw the smuggling of TONS of Cocaine into Mena, Arkansas.
The CIA has controlled the drug trade from the day they morphed from the OSI. Our government is run by criminals with some heavy hitters acting as their strong arms. Watch "War is a Racket" by Major General Butler. Available on this channel, VeritasView. LAMESTREAM MEDIA = PROPAGANDA for the NEW WORLD ORDER .
This is what is going on inside the Nazi Zionist Fake Jew Satanic Free Masonic Occult Intel organization started and formed by the Satanic Scull and Bones .This is the uncut truth about the Satanic organization known as the CIA . They are killing America and the world and any one who stands against these drug dealing pedophile satanic Zionist Fake Jew Free Masonic scum . This is the raw truth about the true evil this Nazi Free Masonic Drug Cartel Organization do and have done to control the drug cartel and the world .
Title: George Bush, Skull and Bones, the CIA and Illicit Drug Operations - Mena Drug Cartel ( Full )
Published on Nov 29, 2013
Uploaded by: Zakaos Breedlove Ewing
The documentary about the Mena Drug Cartel tells the story of the lies of the US Government concerning the Iran-Contra Affair. Bush Senior & Bill Clinton oversaw the smuggling of TONS of Cocaine into Mena, Arkansas.
The CIA has controlled the drug trade from the day they morphed from the OSI. Our government is run by criminals with some heavy hitters acting as their strong arms. Watch "War is a Racket" by Major General Butler. Available on this channel, VeritasView. LAMESTREAM MEDIA = PROPAGANDA for the NEW WORLD ORDER .
This is what is going on inside the Nazi Zionist Fake Jew Satanic Free Masonic Occult Intel organization started and formed by the Satanic Scull and Bones .This is the uncut truth about the Satanic organization known as the CIA . They are killing America and the world and any one who stands against these drug dealing pedophile satanic Zionist Fake Jew Free Masonic scum . This is the raw truth about the true evil this Nazi Free Masonic Drug Cartel Organization do and have done to control the drug cartel and the world .
Title: George Bush, Skull and Bones, the CIA and Illicit Drug Operations - Mena Drug Cartel ( Full )
Published on Nov 29, 2013
Uploaded by: Zakaos Breedlove Ewing
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